Sam Broadcaster Pro nieuwe versie 2017.9 (2 October 2017)
Hieronder de verbeteringen van de afgelopen versies voor Sam Broadcaster Pro 2017
-v2017.9 (2 October 2017)
- Ability to label encoders to easily identify them. (Right-click on encoder and select “Change Label”)
-v2017.8 (14 September 2017)
- PAL Studio object can now control studio muted state, Virtual DJ mode and Auto-recovery settings (Refer to PAL scripting reference).
- PAL THttpClient class allows you to interface with external APIs or make more advanced web requests. (Refer to PAL scripting reference).
- PAL static variable DATA_PATH that points to SAM working directory. (i.e. SAM->Tools->Jump to->Data path)
- PAL static variable PROGRAM_PATH that points to SAM programs directory. (i.e. SAM->Tools->Jump to->Program path)
- Execute external commands via PAL script (Example: ExecuteCmd(‘notepad.exe’,[DATA_PATH+’EventLog.log’]); ).
- PAL can now log messages to Event Log (Example: PAL.Log(‘Notice message’,ltNotice);).
- HTTP Basic authentication support in both PAL scripting and audio streaming (Use http://user:[email protected]/document?query format).
- Added AnsiQuotedStr function to PAL for easier ExecuteCmd parameter quoting.
-v2017.7 (7 August 2017)
- Added support for additional PCM WAV formats (24bit, 32bit, 64bit in IEEE_FLOAT and PCM).
-v2017.6 (3 July 2017)
- Database export to CSV. Use /EXPORT parameter or Export command from Program Files.
- Database import from pevious CSV export. Use /IMPORT parameter or Import command from Program Files.
- Updated database structure for FireBird and MySQL to be more consistent across databases.
- Reverted URLEncode to use “%20” instead of plus (“+”) for encoding spaces. This affected Shoutcast v1 titles.
-v2017.5 (30 May 2017)
- Updated Help links to new Help Center location.
- Fixed hint on Cancel Switch button.
- Improved UTF-8 support for CheapestStream and SAMBC Cloud encoders.
- Fixed some images not loading for Amazon Album Cover search.
- Fixed SAM DJ pre-release timeout issue.
-v2017.4 (2 May 2017)
- Removed Dual Channel as option from CheapestStream and SpacialNet encoders due to HTML5 playback incompatibility.
- Removed Dual Channel as option from MP3 (LAME) and SpacialNet encoders.
- Fixed missing images in online changelog.
- Added log message for PRE-RELEASE versions (QA/BETA).
- Updated EULA.
- Updated CodeSign certificate.
v2017.3 (7 March 2017)
- New Jingles & Drops window.
- Fixed error when deleting custom category.
-v2017.2 (21 February 2017)
- Fixed bug where Skip Track button was enabled when DJ did not have the permission, causing DJ to be logged out when clicked.
- Event Scheduler up/down buttons removed as state was not persisted.
- Added “graceful back-off” logic to SAMCloud Encoder to avoid stampede scenarios and to allow “kick” functionality to work better.
- Encoder now more gracefully handle case where two tried to DJs connect to same slot at same time.
- CheapestStream Encoder improvements to prevent rare crash when switching users while encoding.
-v2017.1 (19 January 2017)
- Fixed Amazon Album Cover search.
- Removed unsupported profiles from WM Encoder.
- WebSocket message parsing improvements.
- Improved DEBUG edition code and tracing.
- Upgraded network library.